Tag Archives: Faune

Un bretons parmis les lémuriens

Un bretons parmis les lémuriens
Loïc le frère est un personnage attachant. Il y a 17 ans il quittait sa Bretagne natale pour Madagascar afin de réaliser un rêve de gosse : devenir..

Sea turtles hatching

Sea turtles hatching
All year, the turtles come lay their eggs on our beach, with some luck you will be able to assist at one of those hatchings. A ballet of small..

Whales Watching

Whales Watching
Between July and November, the humpack whales or megapteres go up from the antartica, to breed and giving birth along the malagasy coast.We can..

Pêche Sportive

Pêche Sportive
Photo GalleryFishingThe owner, sportive fishing professional guide and his crew, will take you to the search of marin..

Scuba diving

Scuba diving
For the scuba diving amateur, we can organize programmes on demand, by calling a scuba diving club we are used to work with.